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Archive For: Syndicated

Highs and Lows: This Is England: North South Cup 2013

The North South Cup, 6-9 May 2013 will go down in history as the biggest weekend in British paragliding history. It saw the British Declared Record broken by 13 pilots, with numerous other 100+ km flights from the Milk Hill area of Wiltshire, UK. Here’s a round-up and photo gallery…

In issue 147: Ozone Delta 2 review

The Ozone Delta 2 is out there in the wild, and has been seen completing some incredible flights. We review it in the latest issue of Cross Country magazine

Mads World: World Paragliding Series Q&A

In March after "immense deliberation" competition pilot Mads Syndergaard bit the bullet and launched his very own Open Class paragliding competition series. We asked him how it's going