Archive For: Syndicated
Marzo 6, 2013
Mad, bad or genius flying? Andy Pag tracked Babu Sunuwar down to his home in Pokhara in Nepal to interview him about his tandem flight from the summit of Kilimanjaro. Was he crazy, stupid or was it the spark of genius?
Marzo 6, 2013
We devote this issue's Gallery to the photography from this brilliant high-level competition
Marzo 6, 2013
Gemma Woldendorp and Natasha Sebire head north – really far north. Liverpool Land in far east Greenland is about as far away from cable cars and civilisation as you can get
Marzo 6, 2013
'Life becomes a blissful routine. Fly, camp, eat, sleep and fly again. Every two or three days we’d try to land at a place where the truck could meet us so we can restock food and water and charge batteries. Below us the terrain is in a constant state of awesome change.'
Marzo 6, 2013
New season, new gliders. From the latest comp machine to the smoothest EN B, we've got them covered
Marzo 6, 2013
New gliders, new plans, new adventures. If you ever wondered how to become a professional pilot and actually make a living out of simply flying, then Horacio is your man
Marzo 6, 2013
There has been an explosion of usable lightweight wings in recent years, and the Advance Pi is one of the latest.
Marzo 6, 2013
Wilderness medicine expert Baz Roberts explains exactly what to do in case the worst should happen and you've got to manage an emergency when you're far from help
Marzo 6, 2013
If it's there, pilots will flirt with it. And on this day boy did they have some fun! Off-the-scale lift measured at 19m/s as pilots flew into 'fire thermals'. Yassen Savov relives his reserve ride through the inferno
Febbraio 18, 2013
A new competition class of paraglider is to be introduced from 2015, following a meeting of CIVL over the weekend of 16-17 February.